Triagem e intervenção breve em pacientes alcoolizados atendidos na emergência:perspectivas e desafios
Triagem e intervenção breve em pacientes alcoolizados atendidos na emergência:perspectivas e desafios
Cad. Saúde Pública Rio de janeiro, 23(x):1-10, xxx, 2010
Screening and brief intervention on alcoholic patients attended on emergency rooms:perspectives and challenges
Maria Luiza Segatto , Ilana Pinsky ,Ronaldo Laranjeira ,Fabiana Faria Rezende ,Thaís dos Reis Vilela
The purpose of this article is to handle the general principles, concepts and main elements of brief intervention, with a literature review about its application on alcoholic patients attended on emergency rooms. It also presents the applicability of screening as a first step to the brief intervention process, and the use of validated standard instruments that allow useful information for a consistent feedback. Finally, highlights the challenges associated with the screening on emergency rooms due to lack of time, inadequate professional formation, fear of annoy the patient and common beliefs that alcoholics do not answer to interventions. It also stresses, however, the relevancy of brief intervention on emergency, which is viable and efficient, as well as the need of researches to determine the adjustments of both the professionals and the health care system.