Exposure of adolescents and young adults to alcohol advertising in Brazil
Acesse: Exposure of adolescents and young adults to alcohol advertising in Brazil – Ilana Pinsky
Exposure of adolescents and young adults to alcohol advertising in Brazil
I. Pinsky, S. E. Jundi, M. Sanches, M. Zaleski, R. Laranjeira1 and R. Caetano
Objective ToQ9 examine adolescents’ and young adults’ exposure to alcohol advertising in Brazil as well as the relationship between exposure and heavy alcohol consumption.
Methods Subjects were selected through a multistage cluster sample procedure from households in 143 municipalities in all Brazilian states (n¼3007), and interviewed between November 2005 and April 2006. Data presented here come from a subsample of 1091 interviews with adolescents (661 with 14–17 years old) and young adults (430 with 18–25 years old). Measurements Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics, alcohol consumption,
alcohol advertising exposure and exposure to prevention messages. Results Sixty-one per cent of the sample reported exposure to alcohol advertising in
different media, from ‘almost every day’ to ‘more than once a day’ in the previous month.Twelve per cent reported seeing an alcohol prevention message. Participating in alcohol promotions in pubs, restaurants or the internet was reported by 10.7% of the adolescents and was significantly associated with patterns of high intensity drinking. Adolescents were as exposed as, and sometimes more, than young adults. Conclusion Youngsters were heavily exposed to alcohol marketing messages.