FORUT: “Alcohol policy must be an essential element in a national development strategy”

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FORUT: “Alcohol policy must be an essential element in a national development strategy”
“The role of alcohol as an obstacle to development in the global South has been given increased attention in the GAPC conferences over the years. This trend was reconfirmed in this year’s conference, something that we as a development NGO warmly welcome”, comments FORUT’s International Programme Director, Ståle Stavrum.
GAPC 2017 in Melbourne in a mixed spirit of optimism and realism
“The growing body of evidence on alcohol-related harm and effective policies gives good reason for hope and optimism, even if the statistics presented at this conference show many challenging developments”.
With these words professor David Jernigan, vice chair of the The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, closed the GAPC2017 in Melbourne.