10 de março de 2025

UNODC and international drugs and crime news

29 de junho de 201723min594

Issue 97 | June 29, 2017


World Drug Report 2017: 29.5 million people globally suffer from drug use disorders, opioids the most harmful. Image: UNODC

World Drug Report 2017: 29.5 million people globally suffer from drug use disorders, opioids the most harmful

In 2015 about a quarter of a billion people used drugs. Of these, around 29.5 million people – or 0.6 per cent  of the global adult population – were engaged in problematic use and suffered from drug use disorders, including dependence. Opioids were the most harmful drug type and accounted for 70 per cent of the negative health impact associated with drug use disorders worldwide, according to the latest World Drug Report, released today by UNODC. [Read more]

Despite challenges inherent in tackling world drug problem, we are on the right path, says UN Chief on International Day. Image: UNODC

Despite challenges inherent in tackling world drug problem, we are on the right path, says UN Chief on International Day

On the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, said the international community must honour the unanimous commitments made to tackle this global problem. “Together, we must ensure that our approach promotes equality, human rights, sustainable development, and greater peace and security,” he said. [Read more]

Unity of action needed against drug challenges, says UNODC Chief at launch of report on illicit drugs. Photo: UNODC

Unity of action needed against drug challenges, says UNODC Chief at launch of report on illicit drugs

Opioids have the most damaging impact on the health of drug users, UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov said during the launch of the 2017 World Drug Report. “The international community has come together to take action to stop this deadly trend, including through initiatives such as the Paris Pact and UNODC’s integrated country, regional and global programmes,” he added. [Read more]

Making the Sahel a priority: a UNODC comprehensive response to fight transnational crime and terrorism. Image: UNODC

Making the Sahel a priority: a UNODC comprehensive response to fight transnational crime and terrorism

With the support of UNODC, the Sahel Programme Progress Report 2017 was officially launched in Vienna in recent weeks, showcasing the results achieved by the countries in the Sahel region regarding the fight against drug trafficking, transnational crime and terrorism. [Read more]

UNODC and Kyrgyzstan team up to promote sports for youth crime prevention. Image: UNODC

UNODC and Kyrgyzstan team up to promote sports for youth crime prevention

UNODC experts met with a range of Government officials and non-state actors in Kyrgyzstan to explore ways to expand cooperation in tackling crime and drug use through using sports. The meetings were an important step towards rolling-out UNODC’s global initiative which aims to prevent delinquency among at-risk youth as part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme as well as the Office’s 2015-2019 Regional Programme for Central Asia. [Read more]

Have you ever wondered how much of your day can be impacted by organized crime?

Have you ever wondered how much of your day can be impacted by organized crime?

Organized crime may be impacting our daily lives more than we can imagine. As criminal groups join ever more complex networks spanning the globe, crimes become increasingly transnational and diversified, and the ways they reap profits are becoming more creative as well. So what can we do to help stop this? A side event at the United Nations General Assembly was held recently in New York as part of UNODC’s Education for Justice initiative. [Read more]

Crime flourishes during periods of conflict and instability, says UNODC Chief at New York meeting. Image: UNODC

Crime flourishes during periods of conflict and instability, says UNODC Chief at New York meeting

Criminals exploit inequality and vulnerability, and profit from gaps in development and enforcement, UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, said in recent days. “At the same time, their actions exacerbate insecurity and perpetuate violence, as we have seen with the growing nexus of organized crime and terrorism,” he added. [Read more]

Asia-Pacific region: UNODC delivers first training on crime victimization survey amid growing demands for methodological guidance. Image: UNODC

Asia-Pacific region: UNODC delivers first training on crime victimization survey amid growing demands for methodological guidance

UNODC, a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime, provides technical and capacity building assistance around the world to enhance Member States’ expertise. In this context, a week-long training course on the design and conduct of crime victimization surveys was recently delivered in Bangkok, Thailand. [Read more]

Consultations held with key South African actors as 'Line Up Live Up' enters next stage of roll out

Consultations held with key South African actors as ‘Line Up Live Up’ enters next stage of roll out 

Following positive experiences over recent months in piloting the Doha Declaration Global Programme’s ‘Line Up Live Up’ curriculum in Brazil, on-the-ground work recently started in South Africa. Consultations held with Government and non-Governmental actors at national and provincial levels affirmed the recognized need for additional youth crime prevention initiatives and the range of potential synergies in the country to link up with. [Read more]

UNODC Briefs Member States on Global Policy Developments Related to Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling. Image: UNODC

UNODC Briefs Member States on Global Policy Developments Related to Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

UNODC briefed 40 Member States in Vienna in recent weeks on its support for global policy efforts in the areas of human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Opening the meeting, John Brandolino, UNODC Director of the Division for Treaty Affairs, spoke about the Office’s involvement in several broader UN efforts. [Read more]

UNODC highlights global horror of human trafficking to airline leaders. Image: UNODC

UNODC highlights global horror of human trafficking to airline leaders

While airlines provide a tremendous force for good, connecting businesses to markets, reuniting families and friends, promoting tourism and cultural exchange, their services can be misused by criminals to facilitate the trafficking of men, women and children. “As a father myself of 4 kids, using the term ‘human trafficking’ in the 21st century is frankly heart-breaking,” said Jean-Luc Lemahieu, UNODC DPA Director. [Read more] 

Strengthening dialogue with civil society is crucial ahead of 2020 Crime Congress. Photo: UNODC

Strengthening dialogue with civil society is crucial ahead of 2020 Crime Congress

In order to reflect on the 26th Session of the CCPCJ and to exchange information on the preparations for the 14th Crime Congress, an informal dialogue took place recently in Vienna. At a meeting with NGOs, the Chair of the Commission and the Permanent Representative of Japan to the UN in Vienna, Mitsuru Kitano, acknowledged their role in promoting and supporting comprehensive approaches to crime challenges. [Read more]

Field Offices and their role in implementing Sustainable Development Goals. Image: UN

Field Offices receive training to better implement Sustainable Development Goals and UNODC mandate

Field Offices can and should play a transformative role in the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Supporting this motto, an interactive workshop on integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into UNODC’s regional programme portfolio was held in recent weeks. [Read more]

Spain becomes first country in Europe to adopt UNODC's #DeadlyBusiness campaign. Image: UNODC

Spain becomes first country in Europe to adopt UNODC’s #DeadlyBusiness campaign

Led by the Director General of the Spanish National Police, Spain recently formalized its adoption of UNODC’s #DeadlyBusiness as a campaign to raise awareness on the crime of smuggling of migrants and its associated risks, becoming the first European country to join the initiative. Being a European Union funded project, the European Commission Representation in Spain hosted the event. [Read more]


Sobre a UNIAD

A Unidade de Pesquisa em álcool e Drogas (UNIAD) foi fundada em 1994 pelo Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Laranjeira e John Dunn, recém-chegados da Inglaterra. A criação contou, na época, com o apoio do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP. Inicialmente (1994-1996) funcionou dentro do Complexo Hospital São Paulo, com o objetivo de atender funcionários dependentes.


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