UNODC and international drugs and crime news

Issue 97 | June 29, 2017
UNODC and Kyrgyzstan team up to promote sports for youth crime prevention
Have you ever wondered how much of your day can be impacted by organized crime?
Crime flourishes during periods of conflict and instability, says UNODC Chief at New York meeting
UNODC, a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime, provides technical and capacity building assistance around the world to enhance Member States’ expertise. In this context, a week-long training course on the design and conduct of crime victimization surveys was recently delivered in Bangkok, Thailand. [Read more]
Consultations held with key South African actors as ‘Line Up Live Up’ enters next stage of roll out
UNODC briefed 40 Member States in Vienna in recent weeks on its support for global policy efforts in the areas of human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Opening the meeting, John Brandolino, UNODC Director of the Division for Treaty Affairs, spoke about the Office’s involvement in several broader UN efforts. [Read more]
UNODC highlights global horror of human trafficking to airline leaders
Strengthening dialogue with civil society is crucial ahead of 2020 Crime Congress
Field Offices receive training to better implement Sustainable Development Goals and UNODC mandate
Spain becomes first country in Europe to adopt UNODC’s #DeadlyBusiness campaign