24 de fevereiro de 2025

Society for Studies of Addiction – ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM

18 de outubro de 201112min26

Society for Studies of Addiction –  ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM

*Still time to book! Only a few places left*

Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November

Park Inn, York, UK

Dr Barbara McCrady will give the Society Lecture: Family interventions for drug & alcohol problems.

Themes, speakers and sessions include:

Alcohol, drugs & the family

Professor Jim Orford

Affected family members: a case of international neglect

Ms Trish Gledhill & Dr Helen Moriarty

The New Zealand Landscape – Opportunities  to collaborate

Maria de Fátima Rato Padin

Stress, coping and strain of family members in São Paulo, Brazil

Ms Lorna Templeton &

Ed Sipler

Piloting the 5-Step Method with young people affected by parental substance misuse or mental health problems in Northern Ireland

Claire Hampson & Dr Alex Copello

Results of the English study

Guillermina Natera

Results of an intervention with family members of alcohol misusers in an indigenous region of Mexico

Ms Jennifer Cousins

Affected family members: the National Problem Gambling Clinic (London) experience

Prediction, prevention & primary care screening for alcohol disorders

Dr Lesley Smith

Accuracy of alcohol screening instruments in primary care: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Dr Kerry O’Brien

Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK sportspeople

Professor David Foxcroft

Social normative feedback to prevent student alcohol misuse: Randomised controlled trial

Maternal Opioid Treatment: Human Experimental Research (MOTHER) project

Professor Gabriele Fischer

The MOTHER project: Research controlled trial comparing methadone with buprenorphine in opioid dependent pregnant women and their neonates

Dr Andjela Baewert

The MOTHER project: Site differences between Europe and the USA in the MOTHER study: From enrolment to neonatal parameters

Dr Bernadette Winklbauer

The MOTHER project: Comparison of an RCT with a prospective investigated group in standardised protocol: What can we learn from the RCT?

The impact of political changes on availability and treatment

Dr Josef Radimecky

The ways political and legislative changes impact upon policy and addiction treatment systems: a Czech perspective

Dr Karen McElrath

How political changes in Northern Ireland have affected the illicit drugs market and drug treatment

Dr Benjamin Hawkins

Alcohol industry influence on public policy: A case study of pricing and promotions policy

Plus: Inaugural award of the Fred Yates prize.

The joint recipients – Dr Jodie Trafton and Dr Simon Adamson – will give presentations about their work.

Also, the following delegates’ oral papers, and many more posters:

Sarah Galvani

Working with substance specialists: multi-agency working in social work practice. Findings from a national study

Charlotte Wyatt

Explanatory models for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) among patients with alcohol related liver disease compared with those presenting to an alcohol treatment programme in Wessex

Caral Stevenson

“We ended up doing more rough sleeping just to be together”: Homeless drug users’ experiences of hostel living and intimate relationships

Arve Strandheim

Young adolescents’ behaviour and health problems enhancing alcohol and drug use in late adolescence?

Sarah Wadd

Working with older drinkers:  Insight from older peoples’ addiction services and published literature

Bridgette Bewick

Understanding student drinking using individual and population based approaches

Katja Kuusisto

The female therapist and the client’s gender in outpatient substance abuse treatment

Christos Kouimtsidis

A randomised controlled trial and qualitative study of supervised consumption in clients managed with opioid substitution treatment

Sarah Buckingham

The Group Identity Model of Addiction Treatment Effectiveness (GIMATE):An initial investigation

Jim McCambridge

RCT of the effectiveness of electronic mail based alcohol intervention with university students: dismantling the assessment and feedback components

John Kelly

Determining the relative importance of the mechanisms of behavior change within Alcoholics Anonymous: A multiple mediator analysis

Vikki Charles

An exploratory study examining service user views and experiences of Contingency Management in UK drug service settings

Lymarie Rodriguez

Towards a relational self in addiction recovery

Catriona Matheson

Attitudes, knowledge and experience of the general public towards drug misuse and drug treatment strategies

Visit our web-site for details and to register. You can register and pay securely online in a couple of minutes, using our new Paypal link.

Sobre a UNIAD

A Unidade de Pesquisa em álcool e Drogas (UNIAD) foi fundada em 1994 pelo Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Laranjeira e John Dunn, recém-chegados da Inglaterra. A criação contou, na época, com o apoio do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP. Inicialmente (1994-1996) funcionou dentro do Complexo Hospital São Paulo, com o objetivo de atender funcionários dependentes.


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