Report on the impact of European alcohol marketing exposure on youth alcohol expectancies and youth drinking
Michal Bujalski (Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology) Corrado Celata (ASL Milano)
Jordy Gosselt (Universiteit Twente)
Dirk Schreckenberg (Centre for Applied Psychology, Social and Environmental Research)
Luiza Slowdonik (State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems).
This deliverable reports on two possible outcomes of alcohol marketing exposure among youth: its impact on expectancies on alcohol as well as the drinking behavior. By including both outcomes in one analysis it was not only studied whether alcohol marketing exposure affects youth drinking behavior, but also whether the possible effect is mediated by expectancies on drinking alcohol. In this way, the authors attempt to provide a deeper understanding into the mechanisms behind the hypothesised impact of alcohol marketing exposure.
In order to study the impact of alcohol marketing exposure, two studies have been conducted: one study on online alcohol marketing (Study A) and a second study on alcohol-branded sport sponsorship (Study B). Focus groups held within the AMPHORA study revealed the possible importance of digital media and sport sponsorship according to European youth. Although alcohol marketing expenditures of these types of alcohol marketing are growing steadily, there is still a gap within the scientific literature on the impact of these types of alcohol marketing.
This report concludes with take home messages which give a summary of the most important findings.