Observations of Adolescent Peer Resistance Skills Following a Classroom-Based Healthy Relationship
Program: A Post-intervention Comparison
David A. Wolfe & Claire V. Crooks & Debbie Chiodo & Raymond Hughes &Wendy Ellis
The nature and intensity of relationships change rapidly during adolescence, with peer relationships taking on unprecedented importance and complexity, and dating relationships beginning to emerge. Health-compromising behaviors such as substance use, unsafe sexual practices, and peer and dating violence emerge within this relationship context (Irwin et al. 2002). Because these behaviors occur in a developmental context, they pose significant risks to the formation of healthy relationships and lifestyle choices. Alcohol use, for example, influences the practice of or involvement in a number of high-risk behaviors, such as unsafe sexual activity, smoking, drinking and driving, and violence (Baler and Volkow 2011; Guo et al. 2002).
Similarly, girls who report dating aggression (as a victim or offender) are five times more likely to use alcohol than girls in non-violent relationships, and boys are 2 1/2 times as likely (Pepler et al. 2002).