17 de fevereiro de 20175min5

DUBLIN 20, 21, 22 Sept 2017
Pathways of Care to Recovery

Gender, women and families
Treatment in prison and secure environments
Mental health, well-being and intellectual difficulties

Wednesday 20th Sept:
Workshop in Coolmine Lodge ‘TC standards’: George DeLeon & Rowdy Yates (further details soon). 
1-6pm: Tours of Coolmine Lodge, Coolmine Ashleigh House, MQI Riverbank (harm reduction services/night café) & National Drug Treatment Centre
8pm-10pm: Welcome reception and registration available Wood Quay Venue: behind Christchurch Cathedral


Total of 12 invited keynote speakers: 3 speakers per session: 2 sessions per day – morning & afternoon in the main theatre Dublin Castle with translation available (Spanish/Italian- TBC)
Total of 48 speakers based on abstract selection: x3 simultaneous presentations per parallel session: 4 total parallel sessions (2 per day: 24 speakers per day). *12 of these will only have translation available. X2 simultaneous parallel sessions shall be in break out rooms.
Available 3 breakout rooms: option of rolling film/TC pioneers video &/or RADE art display etc…

Day 1
Thursday 21st Sept:
8am-9.30am: Registration open
9-10am Introduction plenary (MC Pauline McKeown):
Clinical Governance lead Coolmine: Dr Joanne Fenton
Minister for Health/Minister of State Drugs Strategy- Simon Harris/Catherine Byrne
President of EFTC: Rowdy Yates (Presentation to remember Prof. Eric Broekeart)
Drugs Programme Unit: Overview of Ireland’s new National Drugs Strategy
Pauline close/housekeeping
10-11.30am- 1st Plenary (Mental health/intellectual) Dr Gilberto Gerra, George DeLeon, Dr Eamon Keenan
11.30-11.45am Break (teas, coffees, biscuits)
11.45-1.15pm Parallel 1 (3 sessions with 3 speakers: 12 speakers based on abstracts received) 
1.15 – 2pm Lunch
2 – 3.30pm 2nd plenary (Gender, women and families): Naya Arbiter, Lucy Baldwin (TBC) & another
3.30 – 3.45 Break (teas, coffees, biscuits)
3.45 – 5.15 Parallel 2 (3 sessions with 3 speakers: 12 speakers based on abstracts received)
6pm: EFTC board meeting (Coolmine House)
8pm Gala Dinner- Radisson

Day 2
9.15 – 10.45: 1st plenary (prison/secure env’t): Rod Mullen, Michael Donnellan (Irish Prison Service) +3rd (TBC)
10.45 – 11am Break (teas, coffees, biscuits)
11 – 12.30pm Parallel 3 (3 sessions with 3 speakers: 12 speakers based on abstracts received)
12.30-1.30pm Lunch
1.30 – 3pm: 2nd plenary (mix): TBC
3-3.15pm Break (teas, coffees, biscuits)
3.15 – 4.30pm Parallel 4 (3 sessions with 3 speakers: 12 speakers based on abstracts received)
4.30pm Closing summary

7.30pm Social event

Saturday 23rd September site visits TBC
Coolmine Lodge, Coolmine Ashleigh House, MQI Riverbank (harm reduction services/night café) & National Drug Treatment Centre are available 11am-3pm.


Rowdy Yates
European Federation of Therapeutic Communities


Sobre a UNIAD

A Unidade de Pesquisa em álcool e Drogas (UNIAD) foi fundada em 1994 pelo Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Laranjeira e John Dunn, recém-chegados da Inglaterra. A criação contou, na época, com o apoio do Departamento de Psiquiatria da UNIFESP. Inicialmente (1994-1996) funcionou dentro do Complexo Hospital São Paulo, com o objetivo de atender funcionários dependentes.


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