Há uma epidemia de crack entre estudantes no Brasil? Comentários sobre aspectos da mídia e da saúde pública
Is there a crack epidemic among students in Brazil? Comments on media and public health issues
Solange Aparecida Nappo, Zila M. Sanchez, Luciana Abeid Ribeiro
Crack use in Brazil emerged in the late 1980s at a time when the nation’s attention was focused on the HIV/AIDS epidemic which had by then become a major public health problem 1. Today, crack use, linked to HIV/AIDS infection due to unsafe sex, is widespread within Brazilian society and is a major concern for the Brazilian government 2, justified by the impact of crack on the user’s physical, mental and social integrity 3,4. As such, this drug is considered a public health problem in Brazil and in a number of other countries such as the USA 5 and Canada.